G r a d i n g
Presentation - 33.3% (Common Summative Assessment) Concert Performance Attendance and Concert Reflection Summary
State Standards: Performing; Responding
Each Concert Cycle is a Unit
Unit 1: October Concert
Unit 2: Winter Concert
Unit 3: February Concert
Unit 4: TTC Tiger Town Consortium
Unit 5: Spring Concert
At the end of each unit, students will submit a Concert Reflection Summary. click to view the concert reflection rubric
Class Participation - 33.3% (Common Formative Assessment)
State Standard: Connecting
Students will receive a weekly 10 point scale participation grade based on their self-evaluation of the following: positive and continuous engagement in music making, having required materials, being respectful of rehearsal norms, teamwork, and problem solving. (Click to view class participation self-evaluation rubric)
Playing tests and Quizzes - 33.3% (Common Formative Assessment)
State Standard: Performing; Connecting
Playing test grades are based on a 100 point scale. (click to view playing test rubric) Students are expected to practice 30 minutes daily and be prepared on orchestra pieces. The weekly music theory quiz is based on a 10 point scale and helps students develop an understanding of the language of music and the ability to analyze music notation. The content of these quizzes include defining music vocabulary, recognizing intervals in music through ear training, analyzing, notating and labeling rhythms.
MPS Honors Assignments (Common Summative Assessment) Option for Juniors and Seniors only
State Standard: Creating; Performing
During the first quarter, students audition for ILMEA All-District Festival. During the second quarter, students transcribe a solo arrangement of a selected composition. During the third quarter, students perform at the IHSA Solo and Ensemble Contest. During the fourth quarter, students compose an arrangement for string trio or string quartet. ​
Click to View Orchestra Rehearsal Norms
Concert Attire
Students will wear either a formal black dress or black tux uniform for all orchestra concerts held in the EHS auditorium.
*Dresses are provided. Students need to provide black shoes.
*Tux jacket and bowtie are provided. Students need to provide a white long sleeve button-up shirt, black pants, black socks and shoes.
(Click to access the rubric for letters and pins)
Orchestra Course Descriptions
71201 Concert Orchestra
Prerequisite: Enrolled in Orchestra with access to instrument in good working condition Grade: 9, 10, 11, 12 Credit: 1.0
Orchestra is a performing group open to all string players. Students enrolled in this class should have prior experience playing a stringed instrument. Beginners wishing to enroll must study privately outside of school in order to attain the level of performance necessary for this group. Major emphasis is placed upon string performance techniques and ensemble. Students attend one sectional per week in which attention is given to individual players. Seating auditions are given two to three times per year for placements within the organization. Opportunities and materials are available for participation in solo and small ensemble work, such as the IHSA Solo and Ensemble Contest and the IMEA All-District Festival. The highest ranked students selected for the All-District Festival may be selected to continue to the All-State Festival. The orchestra presents four to five concerts per year. Students must attend all dress rehearsals and concerts.
71101 Symphonic Orchestra
Prerequisite: Written recommendation via an audition. Students must be enrolled in Orchestra with access to instrument in good working condition. Grade: 9, 10, 11, 12 Credit: 1.0
The Symphonic Orchestra is a performing group open to students having prior experience and who excel at playing a stringed instrument. This class will focus on student performance and building repertoire more than technique. Students will attend one sectional per week in which attention is given to individual players. Seating auditions are given two to three times per year for placements within the organization. Opportunities and materials are available for participation in solo and small ensemble work, community activity, and playing in the school. Students are strongly encouraged to participate in these activities. Students must attend all dress rehearsals and concerts.
73431 Honors MPS – Symphonic Orchestra 73531 Honors MPS– Concert Orchestra
Prerequisite: Member of performance group and director’s recommendation Grade: 11, 12 Credit: 1.0
These music performance seminars (MPS) are designed for students who are enrolled in band, orchestra, or choirs to challenge and stretch their musical abilities. During the first quarter, students must audition for All-District and participate if selected. During the second quarter, students must complete an arrangement of a selected composition. During the third quarter, students must perform a solo at the IHSA Solo and Ensemble Contest. During the fourth quarter, students must compose an original piece of music. All solos must be contest quality. Students must also meet the various requirements of their major performance group of which they are members.
The Arion award, named after the Greek god of music and poetry, is prestigious in that many colleges recognize it as a symbol of excellence.
The Arion award is chosen each year by the members of the Edwardsville High School orchestra program. The students vote on an outstanding junior to receive this award. Then the following year, the recipient will perform a solo with the orchestra on the final concert in May.
The Arion Award recipient should have exhibited the following characteristics over the course of his/her time in the Edwardsville High School orchestra program:
Better than average scholastic standing
Cooperation over and above normal duties in the orchestra program
General musicianship and performance skills
Attendance at school and after school rehearsals
Ambition, diligence, loyalty and cooperation
Inspiration to others in the orchestra
Personal habits and a high standard of conduct
Qualified to carry on the best traditions of the school
Leadership qualities
Dedication to the entire orchestra program at Edwardsville High School
The Arion award recipient must remain enrolled in the Edwardsville High School orchestra program until graduation. This award will be relinquished should the recipient drop orchestra.
The Director’s Award is given each year to an outstanding senior orchestra member. It is the highest honor bestowed upon a member of the high school orchestra to recognize excellence in playing and contributions to the ensemble. The student is chosen because they helped make the Edwardsville High Orchestra program better through his or her contributions.